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Project Name: Charge Pumps for 3400 KMTA Diesel Hydrotreater Project and 2600 KMTA VGO Hydrotreater Plant of Huizhou Refining & Petrochemicals Project Phase II,CNOOC Oil & Petrochemicals Co., Ltd.
ITB No.: 0704-1440JDCP0076
日 期:2014年8月6日
Date: Aug. 6, 2014
1. 中化建國(guó)際招標(biāo)有限責(zé)任公司(以下簡(jiǎn)稱“招標(biāo)機(jī)構(gòu)”)受中海石油煉化有限責(zé)任公司(招標(biāo)人)委托,就惠州煉化二期項(xiàng)目所需部分貨物及相關(guān)服務(wù)進(jìn)行國(guó)際公開(kāi)招標(biāo)。現(xiàn)邀請(qǐng)投標(biāo)人對(duì)下列貨物和服務(wù)提交密封投標(biāo):
CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Tendering Agent”) is authorized by CNOOC Oil & Petrochemicals Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Tenderee”) to invite you to submit sealed bids for the supply of the following goods and services:
Goods Name: Charge Pumps for 3400KMTA Diesel Hydrotreater Project and 2600 KMTA VGO Hydrotreater Plant
Quantity: Two sets
Scope of Supply: please refer to “Schedule of Requirements and Technical Specifications” of Section 8, Volume Two of Bidding Document 
2. 有興趣的合格投標(biāo)人可通過(guò)以下方式獲取招標(biāo)文件:2014年8月6日開(kāi)始至2014年8月15日止,在中國(guó)海洋石油總公司門(mén)戶網(wǎng)站購(gòu)買(mǎi)招標(biāo)文件(電子版)。投標(biāo)人須在線填寫(xiě)購(gòu)買(mǎi)招標(biāo)文件登記表,并在線支付標(biāo)書(shū)款至指定賬戶(開(kāi)戶名稱:中化建國(guó)際招標(biāo)有限責(zé)任公司,開(kāi)戶銀行:交通銀行北京分行和平里支行,賬號(hào):110060224018010009667)。在線支付成功后,系統(tǒng)將向投標(biāo)人在購(gòu)買(mǎi)招標(biāo)文件登記表中填寫(xiě)的電子郵箱發(fā)送通知郵件,投標(biāo)人可通過(guò)郵件中的鏈接自行下載招標(biāo)文件。招標(biāo)文件每套售價(jià)為2000元人民幣或350美元,售后不退。
The eligible bidders who are interested in the Bid could buy the Bidding Document (electronic version) by CNOOC portal website from the date Aug. 6, 2014 to the date Aug. 15, 2014. The bidder shall fill in the registration form on line and make the payment to the designated account (Account Name: CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd; Deposit Bank: Bank of Communication, Beijing, Hepingli sub-Branch; Account No.: 110060224018010009667). After successful on-line payment, the system will send a notification automatically per the e-mail address given in the registration form. The bidder is allowed to download the Bidding Document through the link given in the e-mail. The price for each set of Bidding Document is RMB2000 or USD350, which is not refundable.
3. 投標(biāo)文件遞交截止時(shí)間和地點(diǎn):所有投標(biāo)文件都應(yīng)附有按規(guī)定提交的投標(biāo)保證金,并于2014年8月27日上午10:00(北京時(shí)間)前遞交至北京市東城區(qū)朝陽(yáng)門(mén)內(nèi)大街2號(hào)凱恒中心B座17層會(huì)議室,在此時(shí)間后收到的投標(biāo)文件恕不接受。
Submission Deadline and Place: Bids shall enclose the required bid security, which shall be submitted to Meeting Room of Floor 17, Tower B, Kaiheng Center, No. 2, Chaoyangmennei Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing before 10:00a.m., August 27, 2014(Beijing Time). Bids that are received later than the said time will be rejected. 
4. 開(kāi)標(biāo)時(shí)間:2014年8月27日上午10:00(北京時(shí)間)。
Time for Opening: 10:00a.m., August 27, 2014(Beijing Time)
5. 開(kāi)標(biāo)地點(diǎn):北京市東城區(qū)朝陽(yáng)門(mén)內(nèi)大街2號(hào)凱恒中心B座17層會(huì)議室。
Place for Opening: Meeting Room of Floor 17, Tower B, Kaiheng Center, No. 2, Chaoyangmennei Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing
6. 參與本項(xiàng)目的投標(biāo)人應(yīng)在中海油采辦業(yè)務(wù)系統(tǒng)(https://buy.cnooc.com.cn)進(jìn)行注冊(cè)、在線投標(biāo)等程序,否則其投標(biāo)可能被拒絕。
The bidder who take part in the bid shall make registration and submit the bid on line through CNOOC Procurement System(https://buy.cnooc.com.cn/). Otherwise, its bid might be rejected.
7.  投標(biāo)人有關(guān)于獲取招標(biāo)文件、供應(yīng)商注冊(cè)以及在線投標(biāo)等的問(wèn)題,可以撥打免費(fèi)咨詢電話400 0704 666。
Any questions as for bidding document acquirement, supplier registration as well as on-line bids submission, please call toll free telephone number 400 0704 666.
郵 編:516086
聯(lián) 系 人:楊曉莉/趙潔
電 話:0752-3687957/7563
傳 真:0752-3687555
電子信箱:yangxl2@cnooc.com.cn/ zhaojie2@cnooc.com.cn
Tenderee: CNOOC Oil & Petrochemicals Co., Ltd. 
Address: P.O. Box No.30, Shi Hua Avenue, Petrochemicals Industrial Zone, Daya Bay, Huizhou, Guangdong Province, 516086, P.R.C.
Postcode: 516086
Attn: Ms. Yang Xiaoli/Ms. Zhao Jie
Tel: +86 752-3687957/7563 
Fax: +86 752-368 7555
E-mail: yangxl2@cnooc.com.cn/ zhaojie2@cnooc.com.cn
地 址:北京市東城區(qū)朝陽(yáng)門(mén)內(nèi)2號(hào)凱恒中心B座17層
聯(lián) 系 人: 王堯峰
傳 真:010 -84525973
郵 編:100010
Tendering Agent: CNCCC International Tendering Co. Ltd.
Address: Floor 17, Tower B, Kaiheng Center, No. 2, Chaoyangmennei Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100010, PRC
Attn: Mr. Wang Yaofeng, 
Tel.: +86 10 84527977
Fax: +86 10 84525973
E-mail: wangyf7@cnooc.com.cn

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